Drift Compatible Podcast: Now With Two Rounds of Yelling!

After having to take last week off due to local internet being overwhelmed by all the remote learning stuff, Alex and Brent are back this week.

We, of course, spend time discussing COVID-19 and the ongoing fallout. We get into some new video game stuff…..and then we randomly saw Twitter crap and got wound up all over again. SCREW YOU, SALLY KOHN!


Oh. There’s a cameo part way through. It was the Youngest Drunken Midget’s birthday so she stopped in to say hello real quick.

Enjoy! Wear headphones!


4 thoughts on “Drift Compatible Podcast: Now With Two Rounds of Yelling!

  1. I’m still working and listening to this on my commute. All the talk about the stimulus and the painting business is interesting.

  2. Excellent! I crack up because I find myself trying to jump into the conversation! Podcasts and greyboxes are awesome!

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